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Poetics of Space

Circles, in this project, become neither passive shapes nor mere aesthetic flourishes. Rather, they operate as self-referential signs—a closed system echoing Baudrillard’s notion of simulacra, where each imperfect circle perpetually refers to another, dissolving any notion of a stable or original form.

Yet within this cyclical field, a sudden divergence emerges in the spirit of Badiou’s “Event.” A sudden break in the established rhythm—or the emergence of an entirely new pattern—acts as a rupture, compelling us to reinterpret the system as a whole.

This dynamic between the self-enclosed world of simulacra and the possibility of radical novelty also resonates with contemporary generative explorations. Even the most regimented systems can contain pockets of unexpected emergence. In all these instances—whether generative or traditional—the circle remains a potent metaphor for the tension between endless repetition and the sudden appearance of something new.

Ultimately, one is invited to question how a form so emblematic of closure and completeness may, paradoxically, harbor the seeds of transformative disruption.

The title of this series refers to a seminal inquiry of the same name into how we experience intimate spaces and the imagination that shapes them.

I am deeply engaged with the tangible aspects of my work, which consistently center around plottability. This series is designed to embody this principle.

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